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merkabah field
merkabah field
Monday, 25 October 2021
Posted by shaman storm
   Our Merkabah Field


The Merkabah field is a field of energy that encases our light bodies and our physical body, it acts as a form of protection around our being, it is a geometric field, it is two pyramids one facing upwards and one facing downward, and forms a geometric star around thirty feet or so around our bodies, and active Merkabah field will burn off disease and illness this will explain why some people rarely become il and others are ill all the time, our ancient ancestors understood this and were very aware that we can control it using breath when it is turned on and active it will spin expanding our conscious awareness and connecting us to higher conscious awareness to other planes of existence, taking us through many levels of conscious awareness opening our hearts and our minds to the vast universal energies and helping us to move through those levels of conscious awareness so we can grow and become stronger wiser better human beings.

Once we have this and are aware it will restore our being, it allows us interdimensional travel, infinite posabilitiesIts signature is identical to that of the galaxy through the bodies center this is where the light tube or the hurra line, acts as an axis for it to spin on as with the other chakras also. 

Mer:- refers to a specific type of light, that was understood in Egypt during the 18th dynasty, mer means light.

Ka:- means individual spirit. ka is spirit.

Bah:- is spirits interpretation of its su8rrounding reality, and is usually defined as the body at physical reality. so bah is the body.



Created by the blockages in our energy fields,

None of us are powerless, we are all  powerful individual spiritual beings,

  having access to the full potential means we can utilize that potential to its fullest.

with positive re-enforcement you can begin to move those blockages and slowly allow the energy to flow freely and clearly,

 we will stumble and fall along the way so it is important to have positive and supportive people around you, if you ignore them over time those blockages will grow bigger.

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Your Comments
MelissaMonday, 25 October 2021
Excellent! I need this right now This is interesting stuff
AdminMonday, 25 October 2021
I'm so glad you found it helpful